Matt Hancocks

Counselling and Psychotherapy in the Lakes and Dales

Men, Therapy and Language
One of the challenges confronting men coming to therapy (if they come at all!), is knowing what to expect and what the experience will be like. I’ve just come back from a conference on Male Psychology, where some really amazing work with Canadian Military Veterans was show-cased. These are guys who have seen some of […]
Even absence has a presence!
It never ceases to amaze me the amount of psychological space ‘absence’ can take-up in our thoughts and feelings. This can be the loss of a friend, the end of a relationship, the absence of something we longed for but never received. It can be recent, or it can be deep in the past. For […]
I’m often asked to describe my approach to psychotherapy . . so here you are
A Brief Overview of My Therapeutic Approach I describe myself primarily as an Integrative psychotherapist. My approach has three main theoretical and practice based foundations: I view clients through their developmental past, their unfolding future and the here-and-now as it is experienced by them. Through all three of these perspectives there is a relational aspect, […]

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